Opening Session

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Please note this programme is subject to change. All timings for the virtual conference are in CET (Central European Time). 

17:00 Welcome from the EMWA President and EMWA Conference Director

17:10 Everything you always wanted to know about the EMWA Ambassador Programme but were afraid to ask - Abe Shevack

Medical writing is not a subject that is typically taught at universities. Most people usually gain awareness of the field by accident or through friends and colleagues. This is why we at EMWA developed a pro-active strategy in order to raise general awareness about the profession of medical writing and the benefits of joining EMWA, an initiative we called the Ambassador’s Programme.
Abe Shevack, Chair of the Ambassador’s Programme, will discuss how the programme got started, what being an ‘ambassador’ entails, the events that have been organised to promote networking, in addition to a few interesting anecdotes of our experiences so far.

17:40 Making Positive professional connections - no writer need be an island - Peter Llewellyn

Who do you turn to when it all gets too much, or you just need a little lift, or you need pointing in the right direction? Can someone, anyone, who understands your challenges, offer a sympathetic ear and help to work out a solution? None of us can make it entirely alone, though most of us aren’t natural networkers who walk into a room and light it up. So, there are people all around us, just like us, if we can just reach out and connect then we all win…but how? In this engaging discussion session, led by Peter Llewellyn, we’ll reflect on the many opportunities available for medical writers to make valuable connections and we will share some personal stories that remind us of the benefits of making the effort.

18:30 Closing remarks