Introduction to Medical Writing

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Please note this programme is subject to change. All timings for the virtual conference are in CET (Central European Time). 

In addition to giving a presentation covering all aspects of medical writing, the seminar leader will act as a facilitator to optimise exchange of experience between participants, as well as providing insight based on her expertise in this area.

The aim is to provide information on the following: 

  • Definition of medical writing and its different categories
  • Role of the medical writer throughout the life-cycle of a pharmaceutical product
  • Explanation of the different types of documents that we write, with more detailed information on some of the most common (e.g. clinical study protocols and reports, investigator brochures, CTDs, manuscripts, posters)
  • Finding a job as a medical writer (qualities and qualifications required), types of companies that employ medical writers, recruitment process, working as a freelancer
  • Training and networking for medical writers