Elisa Manzanal Merino

Elisa Manzanal Merino holds a Bachelor's Degree in Modern Languages and Translation (University of Alcalá de Henares), a Master’s Degree in Professional Translation (University of Granada), and a Master’s Degree in Medical and Healthcare Translation (Jaume I University). Elisa began working as an in-house translator in a translation agency, and, after two years, she decided to work as a freelance medical translator. Currently, she is the Translation Supervisor of Laboratorios Normon (Madrid, Spain). Elisa is also part of the teaching staff of the virtual course “Translation in the pharmaceutical field” in AulaSIC, a Spanish online centre of specialised training for linguists. Additionally, she is a member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Translators, Proofreaders, and Interpreters (Asetrad), and a member of the International Association of Translators and Writers of Medical and Related Sciences (Tremédica).