Fees and Registration

Conference Registration

Deadline for face-to-face registration is Monday 4 November. Deadline for virtual attendance registration is Wednesday 6 November.

Member registration is €100.

Non member registration is €230 (please note this fee includes membership with EMWA for 12 months).

*For anyone wishing to register for the EPDP workshops only (and not attend the sessions on Wednesday 6, Thursday 7 or Friday 8 November) there will be an admin fee of €25 plus the workshop costs.

Registration includes attendance at the opening session and the majority of seminars scheduled for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. It also includes the opportunity to book to attend EMWA Professional Development Programme (EPDP) workshops, which are running after the main conference, from 12 to 25 November.

The registration fee does not include attending EPDP workshops or ESS session (additional charge of €30 for this session). The charges for EPDP workshops are listed further below in the EPDP workshops section.

Non-member local hub attendance

Full conference registration is open to EMWA members only; however, in the hybrid format non-members can book to attend the hub day- Thursday 7 November - as in-person delegates at any of the Local EMWA Hubs in Germany, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, The Netherlands or the UK. Please contact Head Office: membership@emwa.org to book this option. 

Please note that if you wish to attend any additional sessions, including any EPDP workshops, you will be required to become an EMWA member and register for the full conference (which would include access to some of the sessions mentioned above).

For registration for any additional sessions, including EPDP workshops, please click on the registration button at the end of this page. New member and outstanding membership fees will be added to your booking.

EPDP workshops

We are aiming for online workshops that offer, as far as possible, the same interactive experience you would get from a face-to-face workshop. The maximum number of attendees is 32 for foundation workshops and 20 for advanced workshops.

Conference registration allows each delegate to book up to 5 workshops, subject to availability. There is a fee for each workshop, in addition to the conference registration fee.

If you are intending to do the workshop for credit, please note that to gain a credit you must:

  • Attend the workshop. Participants who miss more than 30 minutes of instructional time (by arriving late, leaving early or leaving the online session for a long period) will not be eligible for credit, and
  • Satisfactorily complete the pre-workshop assignment (if applicable), and
  • Satisfactorily complete the post-workshop assignment, and submit it by the deadline given

For more information about gaining credits, see the Training page on the EMWA website and the link there to the EPDP brochure.

We suggest you consider the workload associated with the workshops you would like to book. Past conference delegates have told us that attending 4 workshops can result in a post-conference workload that is hard to fit in with work and other commitments.

Post-workshop assignments typically take up to 3 hours to complete (see the workshop abstracts for more detail) and the deadline is usually 6 weeks after the conference. Post-workshop assignments must be your own work. We do not accept joint submissions or submissions based on joint working unless specified by the workshop leader.

When you have registered for a workshop, please go to the programme page for the workshop and download the pre-workshop assignment by clicking on the download symbol on the right-hand side.

EPDP workshops - Fees

Foundation workshop

Single workshop


Double workshop


Advanced workshop

Advanced workshop


EMWA members only. Please see notes about EPDP workshops below.

EPDP workshops - Waiting Lists

If your first-choice of EPDP workshop or other event is full, you can ask to be put on a waiting list by emailing the EMWA Head Office: membership@emwa.org. However, we advise you to also book another workshop, because we generally have a low cancellation rate. If a place becomes available, we will offer it to delegates in the order in which they were added to the waiting list. If we are able to offer you a place in your first-choice workshop, we will let you know at least 10 days in advance of the workshop. If you have not heard from us by this time, it means that no places became available. 

Registration Changes

Changes may be made to workshop or seminar choices after booking (that is, cancellation of one workshop or seminar choice and replacement by another) for an administrative fee of €25, plus any difference in price between the chosen workshops. Workshops and seminars may be added to your original registration (subject to availability) at any time, without incurring an administrative fee. All changes are subject to availability.


If you wish to cancel your attendance at the conference, a refund, minus an administration fee of €25, will be made, provided your cancellation is made in writing to EMWA Head Office before 4 November. No refunds will be made after this date.


At the time of registration, delegates may choose between paying immediately by credit card being invoiced. All fees are payable in advance. Full payment is due by 8 November. If payment has not been received by this date, EMWA reserves the right to refuse entry to the online or live event.

EMWA conferences are educational events and EMWA reserves the right to refuse registrations and/or eject participants who engage in unauthorised commercial activities. A full list of sponsorship options is available by contacting sponsorship@emwa.org.